Data Structures and Algorithms (ITE1004)
Credits : 4
This subject will not leave you for the rest of your life, till you are there in the Tech industry. The level of difficulty asked in VIT exams is fairly easy, provided you practice the concepts regularly. If you do this subject right, and build the right foundation, it will help you a lot in the long run.
This subject is like Mathematics, there is no limit to the questions solved, you will find a plethora of great DSA questions.
The god of all the material is GeeksforGeeks (GFG) –
The playlists which we will be using are :
Abdul Bari (Algorithms) : Personal Favourite
Introduction to Data structures and Algorithms
Topics Included: Overview and importance of algorithms and data structures, Stages of algorithm development for solving a problem: Describing the problem, identifying a suitable technique, Design of an Algorithm, Proof of Correctness of the Algorithm, Computing the time complexity of the Algorithm
Videos to watch: According to the playlist
Faculty’s slides will do wonders for this module
Analysis of Algorithms
Topics Included: Asymptotic notations and their significance, Running time of an algorithm, Time-complexity of an algorithm, Performance analysis of an algorithm, Analysis of iterative and recursive algorithms, Master theorem (without proof)
Videos to watch: According to the playlist
Algorithm Design Paradigms
Topics Included: Divide and Conquer, Brute force, Greedy, Recursive Backtracking and Dynamic programming
Videos to watch:
Jenny’s Lectures (for Greedy): 7.1 to 8.3
Divide and Conquer covered in Module 2
Brute Force:
Dynamic Programming: (watch video 28 and 29)
Computational Complexity classes
Topics Included: Tractable and Intractable Problems, Decidable and Undecidable problems, Computational complexity Classes: P, NP and NP complete - Cooks Theorem ( without proof),3-CNF-SAT Problem, Reduction of 3-CNF-SAT to Clique Problem, Reduction of 3-CNF-SAT to Subset sum problem
Videos to watch:
Tractable and Intractable Problems –
Decidable and Undecidable problems –
P, NP and NP complete - Cooks Theorem (without proof) and rest topics:
Recent Trends
Topics Included: Algorithms related to Search Engines
Faculty’s slides will do wonders for this module