Machine Drawing (MEEE2001)
Credits : 3
Topics Included: Introduction – Projections - Classifications of machine drawing- BIS specifications - Sectioning – Dimensioning methods: Counter Sink, Counter Bores, Spot Faces, Chamfers, Screw Threads, Tapered Features, Title block of Industrial drawing and Bill of Materials.
Link:Module 1
Topics Included: Classifications and of Fits, Selection of Fits, Representation on Drawings, Tolerance Grade, Computations of Tolerance, Positions of Tolerance, Fundamental of Deviations, Shaft and Hole Terminology, Method of placing limit dimensions.
Link:Module 2
Topics Included: Need of Geometrical Tolerance, Geometrical Characteristics of Symbols, Indication of MMC, LMC, Interpretation and Indication of Geometrical Tolerance and Dimensioning.
Link:Module 3
Module:4 Conventional Representations Topics Included: Materials - Interrupted views and Braking of Shaft, Pipe, Bar - Surface finishing & Machining Symbols.
Link:Module 4
Topics Included: Screwed Fastenings - Screw Thread Nomenclature and types, Joints: Bolts and Nuts, Key, Cotter, Riveted, Pin, Welded joints. Pulleys and Couplings.
Link:Module 5