Engineering Physics (BPHY101L)
Credits : 3
Faculty notes are enough for this subject. Here, some notes and videos are uploaded for better understanding!
Introduction to waves
Waves on a string - Wave equation on a string (derivation) - Harmonic waves- reflection and transmission of waves at a boundary - Standing waves and their eigenfrequencies - waves with dispersion - Superposition of waves and Fourier method (qualitative)
Refer these videos from 1 to 11
Wave packet - phase velocity and group velocity.
Electromagnetic waves
Physics of divergence - gradient and curl - surface and volume integral - Maxwell Equations (Qualitative) - Continuity equation for current densities - Displacement current - Electromagnetic wave equation in free space - Plane electromagnetic waves in free space - Hertz's experiment.
Videos :
Maxwell Equations, Continuity Equations, Displacement Current, EM Wave equations in free space : 1 to 10
Gradient and curl: here
Elements of quantum mechanics
Need for Quantum Mechanics: Idea of Quantization (Planck and Einstein) - Compton effect (Qualitative) -- de Broglie hypothesis - justification of Bohr postulate - Davisson-Germer experiment - Wave function and probability interpretation - Heisenberg uncertainty principle - Gedanken experiment (Heisenberg's microscope) - Schrödinger wave equation (time dependent and time independent).
Laser characteristics - spatial and temporal coherence - Einstein coefficients and their significance - Population inversion - two, three and four level systems - Pumping schemes - threshold gain coefficient - Components of a laser - He-Ne, Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers and their engineering applications.
Propagation of EM waves in optical fibers
Introduction to optical fiber communication system - light propagation through fibers - Acceptance angle - Numerical aperture - V-parameter - Types of fibers -- Attenuation - Dispersion-intermodal and intramodal. Application of fiber in medicine - Endoscopy.